Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thai Adventures...

Last week was really hard without any technology (besides text message and the limited time we spent at the internet cafe) As of this morning we have internet at home, a home phone and local cell phone numbers. My 773 number has been canceled, which feels very strange, I've had that number for 11 years and I interestingly had a hesitation to turning it off. It felt like one more connection to home that I was releasing from my grasp.

I need to look up another word for adventure. So many people wrote and said that word to us as we prepared to leave. And it has already turned into one...There are moments throughout the day when I feel like I'm having to learn everything over. Even the smallest things are different, and I often think, "I need to tell everyone about this..." Turning on the oven for example...we have a western style kitchen which means oven and stove are included. (most thai homes only have stove) The gas tank is sitting on the floor next to the oven/stove connected by a tube (much like a grill) It took me 5 minutes the first morning that we had a kettle (purchased at the Thai-style $1 store) to figure out that I had to turn the gas tank on before turning on the stove.
Yesterday Sue drove us to the "airport mall" So Fuad could go to the immigration office in order to register and get the title of the scooter we purchased, and so we could set up our cell phone service.
By the time we left (all of this took hours by the way...because everything takes twice as long here and I had to get my iphone unlocked, which took 2 hours and really they "jailbroke" it) the parking lot was completely FULL and by FULL I mean everywhere people doubled parked! I was like, how are these people ever going to get out???!!! "Oh" Sue says, "simple..." All the cars double parked are in neutral, if one is blocking you, you push it out of the way (straight forward or back) move your car, (usually there is another car waiting to take the spot) then push the car in neutral back to it's position! It felt much like a tetrus game. I find myself pointing out all the things that would NEVER happen in the states and getting so much pleasure from it!
This week we also experienced the walking market at the corner intersection of the main road just outside of our mooban (neighborhood) For some reason I love these outdoor markets! All kinds of things for sale! Including these really cool
lanterns made from plastic liter bottles, painted and created to look like flowers. I bought some pants for $11 a pair and I'm excited that this market sets up every Monday & Tuesday.
I'm really loving the low cost of most things here, for example, pedicure, 300 bhat=$10 including tip! We have 2 ladies from school coming to clean the house once a week, they literally clean from top to bottom, even pick up in the yard and clean outside 400 bhat for both of them=$12!!! It's nice that they work at the school, one of them apparently makes the best coffee and today she informed me that she will bring me a cup everyday! : )
We have a lead on a reputable cook/housekeeper, but she won't be available til next month. We're in discussion about what that will look like, we have some options as to how to set up the schedule and we've decided not to purchase a washing machine, but rather gainfully employ the cute lady one street over (2 minute walk) who has laundry service out of her house.
Otherwise, yes, it's hot! The sun is totally intense and it's absolutely necessary that I wear sunblock everyday even if it's cloudy. I could feel myself getting sunburned after only 10 minutes outside while learning how to drive our scooter! It's supposed to be the rainy season, but it hasn't rained in 2 days, so the humidity is fierce! Thank god for the AC in our bedroom!

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